Check the availability first!
Check availability by filling out the section for preferred residency/place/room type/method of staying. Our housing staff will check the availability and contact you. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Check the availability! -
Apply Online!
Please fill out all the sections for our easy online application. Once you are done with the application process, you will be charged a placement fee. Once you are done with the payment process, our staff will contact you.
Go to the online application -
Send your flight information!
Once your flight is confirmed, please send us your flight number, arrival time, and arrival date at least two weeks prior to your departure date.
Two weeks before your departure!
Our staff will send you a final confirmation with housing details
5.Finally, let’s get ready to depart for Los Angeles!
Pickup from the airport
Our staff will pick you up from the airport
Arrive at the accomodation
Once you get to the residence, you will be required to pay your security deposit. Our staff will help you with the check-in process
Get ready for a new life!
Please enjoy your new life in LA! Please contact our staff anytime if you have any questions, problems, or concerns
Process from application to check-in